Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Interesting hardware on the pvr front.

Not relevant to the hobbyist obviously:


I could easily see the bill of materials for a pvr built around this thing being well under $100.

So the tivo business model eventually makes money even if they have to give the pvr's away to get you to subscribe to their $12 month tv-guide xml meta-data service.

Either that or a pvr eventually ends up costing less than a vcr (currently $40) since it has fewer moving parts.


My knoppmyth pvr is getting a bit long in the tooth. So it's time for an upgrade, probably new disk is the first step, but freshening up the distro is something I've been avoiding for months now. Looks like knoppmyth has gone through two rapid releases since the last time I looked, so time to burn some iso's.

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