Thursday, November 30, 2006


Nintendo goes up on the list of console vendors that wants their product to be an anticonsumer walled garden...

basically the aqbility to meddle with the software on your own box... yeah sure exploits are bad, but that just demonstrates the intentions of the vendor when you have to resort to the them in order to extend the functionality of the platform.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Don't bother...

Attempting to dissasemble a sony vaio u3.... While most sony products are pretty obtuse, this thing is nuts...

Needless to say, when the disk conked out in the thing a year ago I ordered another one. I stalled out trying to get the thing apart about about the stage where if I went any further I'd break it...

Well I revisited the issue this morning and I've pretty much broken it for sure... The fact that I have a dead laptop isn't so galling (lots of dead laptops after all) as the fact that it's special (8 hour battery) which I went out of my way to purchase on a separate trip to japan is totally useless... That just blows. While the laptop was about $1000 used at the time, the battery was nearly $400.

I suppose the remainer of the usable parts could be ebayed (like the new harddisk) the jumbo battery and the power supply but it hard seems worth it.

Monday, November 20, 2006

It's a Ficus!


The Prado, Balboa park, San Diego CA Posted by Picasa

The Devices!


pile of Cisco 12xx ap's Posted by Picasa

The net-disco topology...

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